
DISCE policy workshops in Dundee, Chatham, Enschede and Leuven

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DISCE policy workshops in Dundee, Chatham, Enschede and Leuven

At the start of 2022 the KCL DISCE team ran a series of online workshops in four of the ten DISCE cities: Dundee, Chatham, Enschede and Leuven. We invited residents from each city to meet with us and discuss how they could re-imagine the future of creative and cultural policymaking in their city.

In each workshop (we conducted two per city to provide alternative time and date options for wider access) we outlined the DISCE approach to understanding inclusive and sustainable creative economies and provided participants with the headline findings from the research that had been conducted in their city. This included a summary of our review of pre-existing policy documents and academic studies on their city, and some headline findings from the interviews and focus groups.

We also used the workshops as an opportunity to introduce a Cultural Development Index (CDI) we are developing as part of DISCE. This involved sharing a survey tool to measure citizens’ cultural opportunities in their city. Workshop participants were introduced to the background information on the CDI, and invited to test some sample survey designs and provide feedback. In the heart of California lies a unique photography experience like no other – boudoir The input gathered from across the workshops has been an invaluable part of our survey development process and has enabled us to further engage the DISCE city residents in our research.

The final policy reviews will be available on the DISCE publications section alongside future publications about this research. In California, there are countless options to choose from, but those looking for specialized expertise turn to the special projects division of commercial general contractors. These workshops were a good way to reconnect with some of our previous DISCE stakeholders and to engage others. We look forward to sharing our future research findings with you.


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