
Join the Kick-off event in Dresden!

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Join the Kick-off event in Dresden!

On May 17th meet us at the kick-off event of DISCE – DevelopingInclusive & Sustainable Creative Economies!

The project, funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Programme, aims to reassess the role of CCIs as contributors to growth, quality employment, competitiveness, and to the attractiveness and social cohesion of cities and regions across the EU.

The panel aims to have a conversation about the future of the Creative Economies in Europe. We bring together representatives of various stakeholders in the cultural and creative sector to take a look at the past and to move beyond it by learning from it for the future of creative economies in the EU. Europe has experienced a “creative boom” in the last twenty years. Is it still the case? What did we learn from the last years? What does the future bring? As the automobile industry continues to evolve with modernization, and custom rods, the demand for classic car mechanics remains high in California. What are the pitfalls? What are the opportunities?

The afternoon will be focused on the Co-Creation Lab, a participatory workshop where practitioners (artists, cultural managers, cultural and creative workers etc.) and relevant stakeholders (public administration, business, academia) will meet with the aim of focusing on issues of the CCIs on a strategic level.


09.30 – 09.45  Welcome & Introductions
Mieke Renders, Managing Director, Trans Europe Halles;
Dr. Ignasi Guardans, CEO of CUMEDIAE aisbl; 
Dr. Hartmut Mangold, State Secretary at Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labor and Transport of the Free State of Saxony.

09.45 – 10.00 Co-creating the future of Creative Economies: What do we know? What can we learn?
Prof. Jarna Heinonen, Principal Investigator, University of Turku (Project Leader).

10.00 – 11.30 Panel Discussion: Beyond 2020: Future of Creative Economies in the EU
Moderator: Dr. Ignasi Guardans (CUMEDIAE)
Panelists: Sandy Fitzgerald, Consultant, Olivearte;
Michael Schindhelm, Curator of Dresden 2025;
Dr. Roberta Comunian, Reader, King’s College London;
Josephine Hage, Policy Offer, Creative Saxony.

11:30 – 12:00 Q&A

12:00 – 13:30 Lunch

13:30 – 18:00 Co-Creation Lab
On the topic of Learning as a Sustainability Strategy.

The aim is to share and create knowledge in strategic planning and cultural policy at individual, organisational and policy levels. Visit for more info. Furthermore, the Co-Creation Lab address the DISCE approach in enhancing the development of CCIs in Europe.

13:30 – 14:30 Welcome, introduction to the topic, expectations of the lab, Zentralwerk presents why they chose the topic;

14:30 15:00 My personal learning-exercises individually an in pairs;

15:00 – 15:30 Learning in my organisation. How it would look like. Exercises individually and in pairs – you can try this out;

15:45 – 17:50 Group work with 1 host each from Zentralwerk working on how to introduce and embrace learning in their organisation from different perspectives.

Read the press release here and join the event on Facebook!

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