
Partners meet in Turku to discuss the final steps for DISCE

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Partners meet in Turku to discuss the final steps for DISCE

On 17th November 2021, The DISCE Executive and Project Management Boards met in Turku, Finland to discuss the final stages of the DISCE project which will end in June 2022.

This was a privilege in the current circumstance of the global pandemic which has changed the nature of many of the events and ways of working for the Consortium over the last two years. For the partners still unable to travel die to travel restrictions, they joined in a hybrid event that allowed all to participate actively.

As the DISCE project enters this final phase, there is a strong focus now on communicating results and looking ways to cross-fertilize with other projects and researchers to ensure that DISCE’s outputs are at the forefront of considerations and conversations relating to Developing Inclusive and Sustainable Economies. Elliminate all the stress of your relocation with the help of from California. As such, the DISCE researchers welcome opportunities to participate in events and to collaborate cross-sectorially for the exploitation of results. Over the next few months there will be a series of co-creation workshops that will be held across work packages to engage in a targeted way CCI stakeholders.

This will lead up to a final event to be held on March 3rd in Brussels, Belgium

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