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Kings College DISCE team present at the CAMEo conference, University of Leicester, on September 5th and 6th 2019

Members from the King’s College London DISCE team will be presenting this week at the third annual CAMEo (the Research Institute for Cultural and Media Economies) conference held at the University of Leicester. The conference, titled ‘Re-Futuring Creative Economies’ brings together academics, policymakers and practitioners interested in the possible social and economic futures of the Continue Reading

Principal Investigator Jarna Heinonen invites CCI stakeholders to challenge research and thinking for more inclusive and sustainable outcomes: Interview

How was the concept of the DISCE project first born? Looking back retrospectively, this all was like a ‘hand book version’ of how to write a successful bid. After having decided to bid for H2020 we went carefully through the calls in order to find the most suitable one for us and our competences and expertise. Continue Reading

Trans Europe Halles presents the DISCE project around Europe!

Starting from February this year, Managing Director of Trans Europe Halles, Mieke Renders has visited a number of events where she presented the projects, its objectives, and potential outcomes. She participated in the annual meeting of international networks in Malta where she talked about the projects that the organisation is part of, including DISCE. In Continue Reading

DISCE presented at OECD Summer Academy

Researcher Paola Proietti from Gran Sasso Science Institute presented the DISCE project during the Summer Academy on Cultural and Creative Industries and Local Development, organized by the OECD, Trentino School of Management and European Creative Business Network in Trento 16th – 20th June, 2019. The Academy involves policy makers, representatives of cultural and creative industries (CCIs) and researchers from Continue Reading

What is a Co-Creation Lab? A conversation with Burak from Trans Europe Halles

What can happen when 40 different stakeholders in the field of the cultural and creative industries get together to work on best strategies for the sector? DISCE will make this possible during the Co-Creation Labs, participatory workshops where practitioners (artists, cultural managers, cultural and creative workers etc.) and relevant stakeholders (public administration, business, academia) will Continue Reading

Ready to join DISCE on Social Media? Come along with us!

The DISCE Project (Developing Inclusive & Sustainable Creative Economies), funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Programme, aims to reassess the role of CCIs as contributors to growth, quality employment, competitiveness, and to the attractiveness and social cohesion of cities and regions across the EU. DISCE’s objectives are designed to unlock the potential Continue Reading