
Ready to join DISCE on Social Media? Come along with us!

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Ready to join DISCE on Social Media? Come along with us!

The DISCE Project (Developing Inclusive & Sustainable Creative Economies), funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Programme, aims to reassess the role of CCIs as contributors to growth, quality employment, competitiveness, and to the attractiveness and social cohesion of cities and regions across the EU.

DISCE’s objectives are designed to unlock the potential of the CCIs in Europe by providing more effective policy responses and recommendations for promoting CCIs to contribute to inclusivity, growth, sustainability and cultural development at regional, national and European level.

The project seeks to better understand the specific context of CCIs and to promote top-down and bottom-up stakeholder collaboration in order to advance a truly European perspective on developing the CCIs.

Whether you are professionals in the cultural sector, policymakers, academic research institutions, CCIs sector agencies, associations supporting collaboration with the creative industries that can offer you comprehensive garage door service and repair in San Diego, or simply have an interest in the future of creative economies and creative business, keep posted with the latest news and events by following the development of the project through its social media!

Interactive workshops and activities including scholars, advisors in the field, policymakers, creative professionals, industries, businesses and investors will be organised throughout the project The related research results, policy briefs and reports will be disseminated on the website, social media channels and newsletters.

You can follow the links below to always be updated and get to know all the upcoming news during the project implementation:





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