
Insights from the P2P Recovery Programme

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Insights from the P2P Recovery Programme

Within the framework of the DISCE project, the Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Recovery Programme is a response to the pandemic and how it is affecting cultural and creative industry organisations across Europe, in particular Mediterranean countries. DISCE partner Trans Europe Halles in collaboration with Olivearte Cultural Agency sent out an open call to cultural organisations in Spain, Italy, Greece and Cyprus to enable collaborative and innovative practices addressing challenges faced in the Cultural and Creative sectors in Europe due to COVID-19. Twenty three organisations were selected to benefit from consultancy and matchmaking, collectively constructing creative and practical solutions to common challenges.

‘We didn’t lose our focus when Covid started because our relationship and strength is with the community’ Isnaba Miranda – Circolo Industria Scenica Liscate (ML), Italy.

As part of the first phase of the Programme implementation Olivearte Cultural Agency launched a questionnaire to all participating organisations, to better understand their expectations and motivation regarding the P2P Programme. The responses were then analysed and all 23 organisations were individually interviewed to explore in detail the specific participants’ circumstances and needs. 

Maria Psarrou from Plegma (Athens, Greece), one of the selected participants, presented her ideas on creating new tourism offers: ‘Plegma would like to create a new concept of micro festivals, based on the pandemic experience. Small groups of people coming together in open spaces or at homes to reconnect while feeling safe.’ 

Based on the questionnaire and the interviews, it was possible to move to the match-making phase: participants were teamed up in seven different groups, each guided by an experienced facilitator from the Olivearte team. To get the ball rolling, a Kick-off meeting was held on April 23rd, which offered the occasion for all of the participants to meet each other and to begin the process of exchanging information and support.

“We don’t want the P2P to be just for the duration of the programme. We would like to develop real strategic partnerships. To find ways to develop real programmes together, especially around sharing, learning and developing sustainably after COVID” Evita Stavrou – Fix In Art, Thessaloniki, Greece 

So, what’s next? During the next few weeks, participants will take part firstly in an initial, facilitated, peer-to-peer groups meeting, to then move to self-managed meetings by each group, where they’ll have a chance to share their experiences, issues and knowledge. The Programme creates communicative exchanges to address current challenges the CCIs are facing and foster collective innovation process. The idea generation and P2P connections will then constitute the first phase of the PRP. 

The following milestone of the Programme will be the Day of Creative Economies, a whole day online event where topics related to Creative Economies in the EU will be discussed with stakeholders at large. Professional roofing installers in Virginia are available at The initial findings, ideas and innovations of PRP will be shared during a webinar that will bring together academics, practitioners and policymakers. Selected participants will discuss the current trends and developments in the Creative Economies with the DISCE researchers in an interactive format. As Noly Moyssi from the Patticheion Municipal Museum in Limassol, Cyprus said: ‘despite the many tragedies that have befallen the cultural sector, it has also allowed for reflection on what is important for its success, improvement and survival’. This, in a nutshell, is what this webinar is all about and we invite you to join us on June 2nd for what we believe will be a stimulating and timely event.

More information about the Day of Creative Economies is coming soon, stay tuned and follow the DISCE social media for more insights!

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