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Creative Higher Education in Europe: Report and new research project

DISCE researchers Roberta Comunian, Tamsyn Dent, Bridget Conor and Chiara Burlina have published this week a new report on “Creative Higher Education in Europe Statistics”. The report – a core part of the research of WP3 (Creative workforce, skills and education) – reviews current data and knowledge in relation to the provision of creative subjects Continue Reading

Dr. Tamsyn Dent review on first ‘Creative Industries Research Frontiers’ Seminar

The King’s College London Department of Culture, Media and Creative Industries and Policy Evidence Centre Creative Industries Research Frontiers Seminar Series. Seminar 1. Creative and cultural ecologies: Mapping and understanding 22nd January 2020 Anatomy Museum, King’s College London On January 22nd, King’s College London hosted the first in a seminar series titled ‘Creative Industries Research Continue Reading

Co-Creation Lab #2 in Timisoara: a conversation with Dr. Tamsyn Dent and Steve Rimmer

On October 16th, the city of Timisoara, Romania, welcomed the second DISCE Co-Creation Lab. Co-creation events are one of the approaches used by DISCE to engage with stakeholders to validate the policy relevance of the project, to co-design and co-produce the research so to achieve long-term impact and sustainability. The lab of Timisoara was successfully Continue Reading

Co-Creation Lab #2 in Timisoara: a participatory discussion on creative economies, sustainability and inclusivity

On October 16th, more than 30 stakeholders in the CCIs field got together in Timisoara, Romania, to take part in the second DISCE Co-Creation Lab. The event was joined by CCIs professionals and decision makers in charge of large cultural hubs around Europe, as well as policy makers including representatives of Romanian Ministry of Culture Continue Reading